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The Ekklesia Christian School Counseling Program's curriculum is delivered to all students at the prevention level through Classroom Guidance Lessons.  Lessons deal with academic, career and personal/social topics. The focus of the academic lessons include learning styles, study skills, and test taking strategies. Career topics include team building, goal setting and the link between good school and work habits and college prep and requirements.  Personal/social lessons address issues such as friendship, conflict resolution, bullying, coping skills, decision making skills and anger management. See the "ASCA Standards" page for more information.



Any staff member, parent, or student may request group counseling sessions.  Group counseling usually consists of 6-8 weekly, 30 minute sessions. These sessions occur during the regular school day. Typically groups do not meet during recess or lunch, as these are important times for socialization and physical movement. Topics include, friendships, focus issues, anger management, study skills and relational aggression. Group topics are determined by need and the impact the issue is having on the student's academic progress. Different activities are used, including: games, play, experiential education and art. Parents and/or guardians will be notified before sessions begin. Typically, divorce and grief groups are too emotional for students at school and require more in-depth therapy. This intervention is best delivered outside of the school setting. If you need referrals, please visit the "Resource Links" page, or feel free to contact me.



Any staff member, parent or student may request that a student receive an individual counseling session. Individual counseling is offered on a short-term, temporary basis. Typically no more than three sessions are provided. If the issues are chronic and/or acute resources and/or referrals will be provided. Reasons for referrals include, but are not limited to, school anxiety, changing families, grief/loss issues, suicide and anger management.  School counseling is not therapy.




Confidentiality in both group and individual counseling sessions is always maintained. If there are any concerns at the conclusion of the school counseling services, I will contact you to discuss possible interventions. There may be circumstances when it is necessary to release confidential information regarding a student. State law requires that any suspicion or evidence of child abuse/neglect, elder abuse, or knowledge of a minor engaging in dangerous or illegal behavior be reported to the appropriate child protection agencies and/or legal authorities. Furthermore, if a student poses a serious danger to him/herself or is a substantial danger to others, any individual (including school personnel) with knowledge, evidence, or suspicion of said danger, is required by law to intervene. The intervention may include informing family members, identified victims, and/or the proper authorities to provide for the safety of the student and others.


(Adapted and retrieved from John Baker Elementary School,



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